患者感言 Testimonial
皮肤病 Skin Conditions
陈女士 Madam Tan
去年我第一次出现脓肿,原因是在新加坡炎热的天气里穿紧身衣导致汗腺堵塞。尽管我去找西医寻求帮助,但医生只是开口服抗生素和抗菌药膏,这对脓肿消退没有太大帮助。西医还建议,如果上述治疗方法不起作用,唯一的治疗方法是切开引流手术,但这种手术非常具有侵入性。我去找 欣中医的刘医师寻求帮助,她用火针治疗脓肿,使脓肿消退得更快。今年我怀孕期间第二次出现脓肿。由于怀孕,我不想接受火针治疗,因为担心对宝宝来说可能太过激进,所以刘医生调整了她的治疗方法,在远端穴位用风筝疗法帮助脓肿消退。她还开了中药粉来清洗伤口,与针灸配合使用效果很好,三次治疗后鸡蛋大的脓肿完全消除。中医在以侵入性较小的方式解决脓肿问题方面绝对比西医好得多。感谢刘医生的悉心照料!
I had my first abscess episode last year due to congestion of sweat glands from wearing tights in hot Singapore weather. Despite going to Western doctor for help, the doctor was only able to prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-bacterial cream which did not really help the abscess to subside. The western doctor also advised that if the above remedies did not work, the only way to cure it is an incision and drainage procedure which is very invasive. I went to Dr Liu at HTCM for help and she used fire needles on the abscess which helped the abscess subside much faster. I had my second episode of abscess this year during pregnancy. Due to pregnancy, I did not want to undertake the fire needle procedure due to concerns that it might be too aggressive for the baby, so Dr Liu adjusted her treatment method to use acupuncture on various acupoints to help the abscess subside. She also prescribed herbal medicine to wash the wound which worked well alongside the acupuncture. TCM definitely worked much better than Western medicine in solving abscess problems in a less invasive manner. Thank you to Dr Liu for her great care!
陈女士 Madam Tan
在此先谢谢刘医师和柜台接洽助理。我是一个不轻易看中西医的人。每次患病都是用時间自愈。由于长期的疲劳和各方面压力,少眠,免疫力低下导致中老年的我(58岁)容易被病毒侵入。大概7月11号开始突然左腰疼痛到无法入眠。隔一天延续到左腿,第3天左侧身体似乎半麻痹。我贴膏药布、搽舒筋膏都无效。第4天左后腰出现一片红肿水泡,左大腿內側,左下腹跟着一大片、一大片的水泡粒,又痒又痛。我还是忍着,自搽痱子粉蛇粉止痒完全无效。当时正当猴痘疫情开始出现,我很担忧而又不敢看医生,最后自己上网搜索各方面的皮肤病症状研究,自觉大概是患蛇串疮(俗称"生蛇"),又不停上网搜索西医与中医的治疗方式。这期间皮肤的疼痛和燒痒沒有停止过,而且愈发严重了。水泡不但没有减少,而且在脸上.头顶也出现, 原来的水泡处非常红肿热痛。失眠整整一星期,我来来回回在网上寻找女中医。欣中医的网页在我的搜寻版中看好多遍,终于在20号早上决定拨电预约看诊時间。到欣中医就诊时已是皮肤出现红疹水泡的第5天了。刘医师一看到我的水泡样皮疹,就很明确的告诉我这是患上了蛇串疮,她非常溫柔细心的检查了我的患部 ,并详细跟我解说患病成因和我之后要需要做的治疗。我的心中已经告诉我自己:沒错!这回找对医生了。刘医生开始帮我针灸。从头、腰、大腿內侧及下体下了大约二、三十支针,又帮我在疼痛处放血。整个冶疗过程大约45分钟。很神奇,走出治疗室的那刻,疼痛已经减轻了60-70%。随后刘医师还配了3天中药。3天后复诊,水泡红肿已经明显消退 ,结痂。同样再针灸和放血治疗,又服5天药,可说水泡完全平去,也不痛了,左边下半身麻痹也完全消失。短短10天从看诊医冶到现在基本95%痊愈,纯中医治疗完全不需服用任何西药止痛,仅仅看诊了3次!
First, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Liu Zhiling and her front desk assistants. I don’t normally see doctor, be it Western doctors or TCM physicians as I prefer self-healing in time. However, at the age of 58 my immunity begins going downhill due to stress from all aspects of life and lack of rest. On 11th July, I had a sudden pain on the left side of my back, it was so bad that I couldn’t sleep. The pain spread to my left leg and on day 3, I felt as if I was paralyzed on the left side of my body. Besides medicated plaster, I applied muscle relaxant cream, but it was useless. On day 4, huge patches of red and swollen fluid-filled blisters erupted on my left lower back, left inner thigh, as well as on the left side of my lower abdomen. Enduring the itch and burning pain, I applied prickly heat powder but to no avail. Although I was worried, I dare not seek medical help because coincidentally it was when Monkeypox cases began to emerge. After researching online on symptoms of various skin diseases, I suspected myself suffering from shingles, thereupon I searched online for Western and TCM home remedies. Meantime the pain and itch became worse, with blisters appearing on my face and scalp. After many sleepless nights, I began looking for female TCM physicians on the internet and HTCM website caught my attention. Finally, I made an appointment with Dr Liu Zhiling on 20th July, which was day 5 since blisters erupted. Dr Liu confirmed it was shingles as soon as she saw my blister rash. She examined the affected area carefully and gently, explained to me in detail the causes and treatment required. At this moment, I knew from the bottom of my heart that I have found the right doctor. We began acupuncture treatment, approximately 30 needles in total were inserted in all affected area, i.e., head, waist, inner thigh, and groin. Followed by bloodletting therapy. The whole process took 45 minutes. Amazingly, the pain was greatly reduced by 60-70% when I stepped out of the treatment room. I was also given 3 days of medication. I went back for follow-up appointment after 3 days, redness and swelling have clearly subsided, and scabs were formed. We repeated acupuncture and bloodletting therapy process, and this time I was given 5 days of medicine. By then there was no pain, and the blisters were completely healed up, and the numbness on the left lower body was completely gone. In just 10 days and after only 3 treatments, I am basically 95% recovered, relied purely on TCM treatment without any western painkiller.
Grateful to Dr Liu for her superb skill and sincere attitude👍
She has given me confidence and I will continue treatment from her to maintain general health wellness.